Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Relativity - Tumbo

Author: Tumbo
Date: 08-24-04 00:23


The klaxon sounded for a second time before the groggy commander realized that it required his attention. Rowan Paq was never a morning person, but this was more irritating as he was unable to conceptualize what the alert could be. However, a task was a task, and this call to report at 0214 was to be addressed regardless of his initial thoughts.

He reported to the hangar bay within three minutes - a solid two minutes before procedures required. Paq saw his ship being readied.

“Sir,” he noted to the admiral on duty that morning.

“We have a sensor target of a large vessel approaching at high speed,” the admiral noted with an efficient prose. The magnitude of those words took a moment for Rowan to absorb. In the fifty years of space travel his people had undertaken there had never been any contact with anyone or anything. As a culture they assumed that there were other planets and species in the universe, but, simply put, even with warp drive and multi-year missions, anything out there was undiscovered.

“So, this is to be a first contact,” Rowan finally responded.

Paq’s three engine ship was a relatively small one person craft, although the nose cone provided ample space for sleeping and food stores. The overall duration of most missions in the ship were usually measured in hours, but a journey of a week was not impossible. Typically on the longer trips they provided escort and other support to larger craft, but, again, they had never found anyone other than themselves and thus, their weapon systems were minimal.

As the ship ascended the flight plan called for Rowan to approach around the moon for greater speed and a better trajectory. Since the approaching vessel was still two hours away there was no risk of surprise.

As Rowan’s craft aligned with the approaching ship his sensors began to detect a communications transmission coming from the trip. Even though they had never spoken with another species, the protocol was well defined.

“Standard greeting hail, all channels,” Rowan instructed his computer system. After more than a minute there was no change to the approaching ship. “Repeat.”

Rowan adjusted his course to a position 50,000 kilometers off the starboard side, with the intentions of maintaining a parallel course. He then received a transmission from his planet - a standard greeting. There was no response to this signal either.

What happened in the next ten minutes was nothing short of boring, but it let Rowan get a good view of the incoming vessel. It was not terribly large, although compared to his ship it was significant. It had two spheres joined together, with nacelles attached to four points around the centerline of the spherical join. Engines appeared to be at the back of the second sphere and the front of the ship appeared to have an almost flat section that consumed almost five percent of the surface area.

The two ships continued their approach at 4.6l, an unusual velocity but one that his ship was quite able to maintain. He had test flow his ship to 7.2l, but the stresses and power loading were quite extreme. Ultimately his class ship was configured for 5.5l, with a boost rating of 6.75l for up to four hours.

The blue flash startled the lieutenant commander and his instrumentation immediately began to display massive radiation and power spikes. He saw the plasma ball advance ahead of the approaching ship before his craft was caught in the turbulence of the shockwave’s backend. Rowan would black out before the plasma weapon destroyed his home world in seconds.

After two solid weeks of double shifts, Mark McGreevy was looking forward to a chance to be a care-free man again. The boys would be going to the ships’ bar, and this was to be Mark’s first opportunity to position himself as an alpha male to his peers. It was unusual for a new crewmember to pull so much duty, but the communications section had be understaffed for some time. When McGreevy was transferred at Starbase 11 he knew that his assignment on the Enterprise would be a challenging one, but one that his ego was certain that he could handle.

Of course, the six-foot-one communications specialist was convinced that his good looks and attitude could woo any woman into his arms. He was a player in every single way, and his youth was still sufficient to provide him with a don’t care attitude. He made it a point to hit on every woman in communications, which fortunately for the women, was only two. One gave him the brush-off, but the second accepted his invitation for a date. She knew he was off the market for a couple weeks due to work, and guys like that hardly stick around. She was right.

“Come on,” Kimber whined. Sandy was always late for everything, and tonight was no exception, although there really was no schedule. The two finally left and went to Jackie’s quarters.

It was of little use trying to ignore the size difference between Kimber, Sandy and Jackie. Not that Kim or Sandy were that different. Both were average height and of fit builds, although Sandy’s red hair off-set the blonde Kim. Rather it was the woman in the doorway - Lt. Commander Jacqueline Roberts.

Jackie had always been tall for her age, but now she was the tallest woman on ship, and one of the tallest in the fleet. At eight-foot-five it would be an understatement to call her anything but Amazonian. The five-five Kimber simply looked at the top of Jackie’s hip as the door opened.

“Come on in, guys,” she stated.

For Kimber and Sandy visiting Jackie’s quarters was always an adventure. Everything was scaled up almost thirty percent, so the furniture was almost perfectly proportioned for the owner, save the doorways and ceiling, which presented a challenge at nine feet. Sandy hated the room - it made her feel like a child dwarf, and she was content to stand near the door. Kim, on the other hand, loved the room, and the feelings it stirred within her. Secretly she relished in Jackie’s stature, and the fact that the Amazon’s body simply exceeded any adjective was even more torturous. Jackie’s bust was high above their heads as they entered before she and Kimber sat.

“Aren’t we going?” Sandy asked impatiently.

“I don’t know,” Jackie replied, “I don’t feel much like going out.” Sandy looked at Kim - more of the same from the introvert. Of course, Jackie knew the reason - ten-forward was small and built for little folks, and it was more comfortable to stay in quarters and be normal for a few hours. She secretly relished in the thought of being out on the town. Sandy and Kimber knew the dance.

“Come on,” Kimber ordered. An awkward silence followed, along with the non-spoken influences a parent might use to motivate a child.

“Ok,” Jackie returned, “but only for an hour.”

Jackie stood and once again her massive chest blocked the girls’ view. To her proportions Jackie had a well endowed rack, to put it simply. Her narrow waist magnified the prominence. However, compared to normal size women it was titanic, with each orb easily surpassing either girls’ head. Sandy didn’t like that either. Kimber, definitely heterosexual, was intrigued beyond words.

The walk to ten-forward only took moments and a brief ride on the lift. Jacqueline hated the lifts - they were only eight feet high and she had to stoop during the ride. She sat in the corner of ten-forward. It was easy to slouch in the cushions of the small couch and this allowed her to be more eye-to-eye with Kimber and Sandy.

“Want to play poker tonight, Mark?” ensign Peter Jacobs inquired.

“Not right now. I’m going to join up with Wing and Skeet.”

Wing and Skeet were bachelor players too, but with a habit of egging on others to their amusement. Mark fit the bill perfectly, and they had already hit it off. Tonight Mark was going to party hard. Already feeling brave from the two drinks in his cabin, he sauntered into ten-forward with a look-at-me attitude, with Wing and Skeet close in trail.

The three selected a table with what Mark would call optimal viewing options. They each hammered down a drink - something frowned upon officially, but they had been careful to check pips when they entered. Mark quickly absorbed more liquid courage, and before long Wing made his challenge to counter Mark’s bragging.

“So, any woman in the place tonight?” he simply stated.

Mark instantly knew he was being set up and challenged, but a quick glance around the room showed a target rich environment.

“Any,” the want-to-be-stud replied.

Skeet immediately seized the moment, always quick to jump on a situation as a pilot. Having reported to Enterprise a year before he was familiar with the crew and the certain challenges aboard.

“So, any woman?” he teased.

“Don’t make her an easy ugly, but, yea, any...” Mark spied the target of his wishes. Unfortunately for him it was the same one that Wing and Skeet were going for.

Wing tilted his head towards his five-o’clock. “Hot enough for you?”

Jackie was low enough to appear normal sized from across the room, yet the thinness of her body and massive bosom was clear.

“Five minutes,” McGreevy stated, “gentlemen.”

Mark sauntered over to the girls’ table with an egotistical gate. Kimber caught him first and whispered to the others. The would-be Casanova placed his hand up against the bulkhead, framing Sandy’s left side to look at Jackie, and more to his focus, her chest.

“Can I buy you a drink?” he asked as his eyes tried to pierce her’s. A complete joke - money hadn’t existed for years in the Federation, but the absurdity of the line was supposed to make him appear charming. Kimber folded her arms and leaned back to watch - this was going to be good.

Sandy chimed in first. “No thank you.” She was a little too polite, and Jackie knew it, but she waited.

“How about you, baby,” he continued, leaning past Sandy slightly to physically remove her from the picture.

“We’d like to be alone, if you don’t mind,” Jackie returned.

Wing and Skeet were starting to snicker already, and Mark knew his reputation needed to be established fast and firm.

Jackie turned to Kimber to continue their discussion, and Mark withdrew only for a moment to change positions to Sandy’s right side. He still had no clue as to his prey.

“Maybe we didn’t start on the right page,” he offered. “You’re a knockout, I’m not bad and I figured we could have a few spins.” The fact that he interrupted Kimber was not lost on anyone but Mark.

“I’ve tried to be nice.” Jackie sighed. She wanted this creep to leave, but after a lengthy wait it was clear that was not going to happen. She looked over to Kimber, who simply smiled broadly and in that glance both women knew what was going to happen. A shot to Sandy clued her in as well.

The eight foot-five inch buxom beauty slowly began to stand from the table. It was very graceful and slow as the couch would not allow for any other movement, but Jackie was deliberate with her movements as well. Mark swelled with anticipation as he thought he had won, and a quick glance to his mates left him feeling smug - behind Wing and Skeet’s faces was a roll-on-the-floor laugh that was tough to suppress.

Jackie slowly stood and McGreevy quickly focused on those massive orbs once again and smiled broadly. His mind raced and he envisioned himself suckling on those wonderful fun bags. His hard-on simply was raging now. Jacqueline’s ascent slowed greatly as her eyes reached Mark’s. She was still well stooped over, but Jackie knew from experience that this was where she could seriously screw with any guy’s mind. Inch by inch she began to pull away, and everyone in the place could see Mark’s spine straighten in a woeful attempt to keep up. Slowly Jackie’s chin, shoulders, and breasts all found their rightful position high above Mark’s dumbfounded eyes. He was staring at Jackie’s ribs, just beneath her bosom. In that moment he wasn’t sure if his forehead would even reach the mid-point of those luscious orbs. Everyone in the room knew they wouldn’t.

Jackie slowly placed her hand lightly against the top of her large breasts, slightly below her shoulder. Her head tilted down to look at her suitor with great deliberateness and her posture momentarily erected itself to move him even further below the bottom of her breasts. Her pregnant pause was only ended with her matter-of-fact summary of the facts.

“You must be at least this tall to ride,” she deftly stated.

Sandy could have sworn that McGreevy shrunk an inch in shame as he slouched down in utter defeat. His trousers no longer strained against him as his sexuality was emasculated in the same moment.

Kimber almost felt sorry for him, but her giggle ultimately won out and broke into laughter as the suitor fell in disgrace. Wing and Skeet were on the floor, and Jackie simply paused, looked down at the dejected man over her bust and then returned to her seat.

“I... I... I’m sorry to have... bothered you,” Mark stammered. Had he not been so stunned he would have been aroused, but he knew he was out-classed and out-sexed. The six-one man went back to his table and the bar returned to normal as he wolfed down a drink, then he excused himself for the evening.

Jackie would later leave with the others, but not without noting to her friends that she really desired a man’s company - unfortunately even the tall Commander Riker was barely breast height and, to Jackie at least, that was not much of a man.

Sensors highlighted an object nearing the ship about a minute before Data decided to investigate further. The alloys of its construction were most unusual, and the size of the craft, for the single life sign and minimal load of the craft, were also intriguing. “Captain Picard to the bridge.”

When the older officer entered the bridge Data was ready.

“Sir, a ship approaching at near warp speed, however, it has no active power signatures and the pilot appears to be in stasis.”

“Now that is interesting,” Picard replied. “Helm, match velocity and heading.” The large Enterprise slowly turned to come alongside Rowan’s vessel.

It took the crew almost twenty minutes of scanning to determine that the stasis of the pilot was not intentional and that he was a big man, but human. It was clear that sick bay would be too small for the occupant.

“Geordi, can we rig a medical station in the cargo bay for the doctor?”

“I’ll get right on it - give me an hour.”

Beverly Crusher reported to the captain’s ready room as requested soon thereafter. After the briefing she assembled a small team to meet the patient.

“Energizing,” came word from the transporter room.

“Amazing,” came word from one of Crusher’s assistants as the materialization process concluded.

Rowan was still in his flight suit and asleep, but it was clear that he was the biggest, and in many ways, sexiest, man whom any of the crew had seen. The revival took four hours to complete, and Crusher kept Rowan sedated until the next day to help him stabilize.

Worf entered with the captain the following morning. Crusher’s thoughts surprised her when the flash of Rowan snapping the Klingon like a twig entered her mind. Something else was in her mind too, although it was only fleeting. As she neared the body her head began to swim, and there was an almost sexual tension to her. She had never been too concerned about height or size before, but this was unusual to say the least.

“I’ll wake him,” Beverly finally volunteered.

Geordi and Data had spent most of the night working on Rowan’s ship, which was now in shuttle bay two. Of course, nothing else was in the bay - it simply would not fit. The officers had accessed the computer and knew about the destruction of Rowan’s planet - a fact that he was not aware of, and they had enough to load the universal translator with his language. Data simply went from system to system without emotion, but Geordi was quite intrigued. He looked like a dwarf in the chair, and many of the controls were far from reach. Feelings swelled through him.

“Data,” Geordi finally started, “did this guy grow during flight, or was he always this big?”

“Big is a relative term Geordi,” the android responded, “but his size was comparable to others of his species and I can find no evidence of stress on the hull or other inorganic components of his craft.”

“Welcome to the Enterprise,” Picard offered to the giant pilot before him. Rowan kept blinking and trying to focus on the room. Everyone was so small, he thought, and while they looked like him, the costumes were quite different.

“Commander Rowan Paq,” he replied. “Greetings.”

Picard smiled. Peaceful. He knew instantly that there was no danger, and even with Troi’s absence his read was accurate. Worf was almost disappointed.

“Greetings, Commander,” Picard continued. They spent the next ten minutes discussing the status of his ship, the Federation, the fact that Rowan appeared to have been in stasis for just over seven years, and that he was welcome to stay during and following his recovery.

“Thank you,” came the reply.

“I’ll let you rest now,” the captain concluded. He turned towards the door.

“Captain,” Rowan finally began. “Can you tell me why you are all so small?”

Picard had never been tall, and the question would have been preferred unasked from his perspective. However, it was legitimate.

“Well,” the captain started, “we are the same size as most others in the galaxy we have experienced. As far as we can tell, your race is roughly double in mass as ours.” Picard would later break the bad news about his planet.

Beverly returned an hour later to find Rowan resting quietly.

“How are you feeling?” she asked. Her mind began to do flip-flops again and she was certain her body was becoming aroused.

“Better, thank you,” the commander replied in perfect English. Bev was surprised. “How did you do that?”

It was nine in the morning before Dr. Crusher returned to the cargo bay. Troi had joined her and Beverly asked her patient to stand for the first time. She already knew from her scans that Rowan was just under twelve feet in height, but the sheer scale of his body was quite intimidating. She and Troi looked up at his crotch, and Troi not only felt a wave of attraction but Bev’s as well.

For Rowan the experience was quite sobering. They look so small, he thought. He had dated mostly women shorter than he, with few exceptions, but these women were so small. He thought about how difficult relations would be with either of the officers before him. Heck, neither could give him sex standing up in heels, or kiss his stomach. Normally a human male would be very empowered with this thought, but to Rowan it was somewhat isolating. Little did he know that both Bev and Diana would have gladly addressed his sexual needs without hesitation.

Kimber had been in the lab for three days before returning to sick bay duties. The news of Rowan had been kept as quite a secret from the crew - only senior medical staff and bridge crew new the secret.

Dr. Crusher greeted Kimber when she entered sick bay.

“Kim, I need your assistance today with a special patient,” she started. “However, it is important that you not disclose what you see to the rest of the crew.”

“Of course doctor.”

The two proceeded to cargo bay four.

The doors opened with their familiar swish, but the noise startled Rowan. He was just pulling his shirt on over his head as the two women entered, affording each with a perfect view of his broad chest and respectable abs. Of course, Beverly was used to looking up at her largest patient - Kimber was quite transfixed on the bulge below this man’s waist.

“Oh,” Beverly started. “I’m sorry. We should have knocked. I didn’t expect you to be up yet.”

Rowan blushed a little. Kimber was more transfixed that this guy was so big and a little shy.

“No worries,” he responded. “What can I do for you?”

“Rowan, this is Kimber Adams, one of my assistants,” Beverly started with the introductions. “Kim, this is Rowan, a pilot that we rescued a few days ago.”

Kim strained her neck back to join her eyes to Rowan’s, speechless.

“Nice to meet you,” Rowan offered and he offered his hand instinctively. Kimber was shaking it for a moment before the sheer scale of his hand struck her. It was titanic. Her had was unable to encompass two fingers - Rowan kept his ring and little finger tucked as this was more comfortable for his new friends in his experience. Kim’s mind raced thinking all sorts of thoughts, and her hormones were raging. Beverly had figured it out the day before, as had Troi, but Kimber was unprepared for the experience. Bev’s tests showed that Rowan emitted hormones like any other human, but the size difference made his almost four times more powerful. As a result, any one near him was confronted with a pleasurable scent that worked like the sweet smell of a flower. But for Kimber it wasn’t just pheromones, but size. Her mind relished in the thought of being completely unable to take this stud in her lips, and unable to see his obvious endowments under his pants and knowing that reaching them standing next to him would be a challenge made her very frustrated.

The two spoke with Rowan for about thirty minutes - a task made easier when he sat down on the floor and brought himself within eight inches of their height. The medical tests took only a moment of that time, and as they left Dr. Crusher announced that there was no reason for further medical observation and that the crew had decided to convert the hangar into quarters for their new guest.

“Geordi will stop by this afternoon to work on furniture, and if you need anything medical and I am not available please work with Kim.”

“Thank you.”

“Jackie!” Kimber screamed through the bulkhead door. “Jackie!” Her heart was racing, and while she really wanted this stud to herself she was too good a friend.

The door opened much too slowly for Kim and she was in the room before they completed their movement.

With an annoyed tone Jackie spoke to her friend and looked down, “What?”

“I am going to make your day,” she stated matter-of-factly.

“Is that so?” Jackie skeptically replied and sat down. As she did Kimber thought quickly about how much smaller her towering friend appeared now.

“What if I told you there was a gorgeous twelve foot hunk in the cargo bay?”

The words hit Jacqueline, and for a moment she was quite hopeful. That feeling quickly subdued as she started to laugh. “Good joke, Kim.”

“Come with me.”

The two women walked through the corridors, and Kimber was confronted with the enormous size difference between the two women. She failed to reach Jackie’s waist, and she knew that Rowan’s thighs easily met her gaze, but soon Jackie would be unable to reach someone’s chest. This was going to be great.

A simple chirp emitted as Kimber pressed the panel button. It was uncommon for cargo areas to have bells, but after this morning Kim was asked to configure one with the implication that it should be used. It was with great disappointment that she dealt with both tasks.

“Enter,” commanded a voice. Jackie was confused. This was the lamest joke ever, and for Kim to have gone to this much effort was beyond silly. The doors opened.

“Rowan, I wanted to introduce you to my friend Jacqueline. I think that you have a little in common,” Kimber noted.

Both giants instantly felt an attraction for each other. Rowan was still remembering normal sized women from his home world, but after three days of Lilliputians the taller Jackie (who actually came up to the bottom of his chest) was a welcome sight, and her trim, buxom figure was definitely a plus. Jackie on the other hand almost lost her balance. For the first time she was with a man who not only stood as her equal, but as her superior. And man, what a superior!

“I’m... I’m Jackie,” she finally stammered. Rowan thought the petite woman was cute and charming. Jackie would have never believed that someone would consider her petite. Kim just took it all in from across the room - thrilled that she was watching these two towering bodies.

“Charmed,” Rowan offered as he took her dainty hand in his and sweetly kissed it tenderly. “Rowan Paq.”

The two just looked at each other for a minute before Kimber cleared her throat. “I’ll leave you two alone,” she winked at her girlfriend.

Jackie didn’t notice.

The two immediately hit it off and within a week she no longer used her quarters. Rowan had visited them once - it was too funny to see Kimber and Sandy looking like midgets and him like a giant with Jackie seeming the normal one. Rowan also began to participate in more and more crew functions. Picard had decided that he would be regarded as an ambassador or visiting dignitary and Rowan was referred to by his rank. Jackie and Rowan were very happy.

Jackie was thoroughly enjoying the bipolar nature of her four month relationship. During the day she was a regal giant, towering over her peers, and, with a new found confidence, she was standing straighter and dressing more sensually than her former self would have allowed. At night she was the petite wife, snug and secure in her boyfriend’s arms and everything in their quarters was much too big for her - and she loved it. The hanger bay had been turned into a very nice apartment, and much as her quarters had furniture scaled to her needs, this one was scaled to Rowan’s. They spent much of their time together without company, but when friends came over the size of common objects was formidable. Jackie laughed the first time she had to jump up to climb on the bed that she and her gentle giant shared - seeing Kimber standing next to it caused nothing but hysterics. Poor Kim... the mattress challenged the top of her head for altitude.

Kimber was thrilled that her friend was so happy, and she secretly relished in every word telling her of their relationship. Jacqueline had never been with a lover who was her physical peer. Now she had one that would literally lift her up during sex.

“That’s the most intense. Ro will pick me up and lick me into ecstasy with ease as I am supported above his head,” Jackie blushed. Kimber was just stunned. The thought of flying twelve feet in the air with a gorgeous man holding her and going oral... the thought brought her over with fortunate subtlety.

The two also engaged in sex in mid-air, with Jackie being lifted up and down as her long (at least to most) legs wrapped around Rowan.

“It’s amazing,” she told, “but he is so strong he never gets winded when we have sex, even when he holds me the entire time.” The words just echoed in Kimber’s head. “And, when he explodes, oh baby...” Jackie’s voice trailed off and both women realized how stimulating the conversation had been. Only Kimber was jealous, and Jackie was horny.

Rowan and Jackie both had been allowed to go on shore leave, and, while unusual, both had been involved in first contact missions as well. It was strange to have an engineer on away missions, but it was a good excuse for the two to get out and stretch. Rowan tried to maintain a normal lifestyle aboard ship, but frequently used the transporter to go from area to area - the stooped walk was very difficult, and his thin frame was still quite large to the corridors. When the two went to ten-forward the first time it caused quite a stir - many aboard ship had heard of the giant but the sight of someone dwarfing their crewmate who towered over them was quite a sight.

Another two months had past, and with the exception of the formalities the two were effectively husband and wife. There was no way that Jackie could go back to midgets, and while Rowan was still wishing for a more physically equaled partner, he was resolved that it would be unlikely to find one. And, fortunately, he deeply loved his partner.

One night in bed the issue finally came up.

“Honey, what’s been bothering you?” Jackie queried. She had asked more subtlety in the past, but wanted to get past this pinnacle in their relationship.

Rowan started with his normal nothing response, but Jackie insisted. She wasn’t completed surprised to learn that he missed having friends his own size. Even Worf was little challenge in physical competitions, and Jackie could easily appreciate Rowan’s feelings with regard to scale. However, Rowan continued as they lay in bed facing each other - Jackie’s feet failing to reach her lover’s calves - and his next words surprised her.

“Sometimes I think it might be fun to be like the other men on this ship - looking up at a goddess.”

The words took a moment to sink in for the eight-foot-five woman. The first was that men found her height erotic, beyond sexy, and beyond the clumsy and geeky that she frequently felt. The second was that the love of her life, her towering man, wanted to be smaller than her. Her engineering mind started racing as she felt Rowan drift off into slumber.

It took a few weeks to pull together all of the needed resources and programs, but the idea came quickly and implementation, given her position aboard Enterprise, would make it easy. The idea was straight-forward. Everyone knew that holodecks could create realities, and, fortunately for Jackie, Rowan still hadn’t experienced one. However, it would not be a shared experience to simply program the holodeck to create a fantasy world for her man. She was intrigued by his desires, and she wanted to play too. A smile crept onto her lips as she considered the frisky nature of her persona - one that only six months ago was far repressed.

Jackie’s idea was to program two holodecks together. In one would be Rowan, with the world around him slowly expanding to create the illusion that he was shrinking. The other would be hers, and it would recreate the illusion of Rowan being with her at his new scale. It took a while to work out all the synchronization problems, and eventually the delay was under two milliseconds, or undetectable to either of them. She also programmed the sick bay and other areas of the ship in case Rowan decided to leave the simulation of his quarters, and the transporter would automatically transfer body fluids and other elements between them so that the simulation tasted, smelt and felt real. Lastly she programmed interactive crew members, including the doctor, Captain Picard and Kimber to complete the illusion. The fantasy would last for four days and four nights.

“Good night, sweetheart,” Jackie cooed. She felt safe in her man’s arms, and she really enjoyed being so much smaller than him. Given the programming within the simulation, he would be enjoying the same feeling within seventy-two hours.

Rowan was fast asleep when the transporter beamed him into the simulation. He didn’t even stir, and Jackie was beamed to the accompanying room. Unlike Ro, she was wide awake and already quite anxious. To both everything appeared to be exactly the same - exactly the way it was supposed to.

Four hours later they woke and Jackie began to paw at her man. The program was designed to shrink him during and after certain events, and the force fields and other holodeck components would work to make Rowan feel warm and tingling during the transformations. Sex was a strong trigger in the program, as was intimidation.

Jackie took a superior position to Rowan and carefully placed her body on his. She was able to reach his chest from this position, and her knees framed his hips as more inches disappeared inside her. It was easy for the computer to simulate the pressure on Rowan, but it did an admirable job of impersonating the feelings for her as well.

Rowan came with a typical force, and Jackie was only slightly disappointed that the sensation wasn’t real, although if she had been unaware of the trick she would have easily enjoyed the familiar feelings. The program was configured for randomness so that the changes would be a surprise to Jackie. Sure, she knew the parameters, but she would not know from one minute to the next when each reduction would occur, or how much it would impact him.

She was still waiting five minutes after a very gradual change started, and Rowan, still quite passionate, gradually decreased in size. The two continued to cuddle, and if Jackie hadn’t been looking for any sign what-so-ever she would have been as unaware as her mate. As the change continued she was glad that the program had made this one linger.

The first change seemed to take about twenty minutes, and Jackie was unsure how much of a change had occurred and if it would be enough to cause Rowan to notice. She would have to wait for another ten minutes to get her answer.

“Would you like something to eat?” she finally asked.

“Yes, please,” Rowan was always polite.

Jackie departed the bed and Rowan was quite happy to watch his mate waggle away from him. Even thought she was small she was quite a shapely woman.

She returned with a small plate of berries and cheese, and the two fed each other for a while. The pleasure of the experience was sufficient to trigger the program again, and this time the change was more rapid, but of much shorter duration. It was fast enough for Jackie to notice, and she saw the image of Rowan move down the pillow just under an inch. Rowan was still unaware of the changes.

“Well, I’m going to take a shower,” Rowan finally stated, and he kissed Jackie as he left the bed. As he walked away it was clear that the program had started, but Jackie needed to stand next to him in order to know how far these first hours had progressed.

Rowan hated the sonic showers that most crew members used. While fast, he enjoyed the feeling of water on his body, and the extra minute or two of indulgence was worth it to him. It was good that Jackie had anticipated this problem, and the transporter sync in beamed water in and out of the flow to accurately match the real-world. Rowan was half finished when the door opened and Jackie entered.

“Room for me?” she coyly asked.

“Always,” came his reply. He only briefly felt that something was amiss, as he thought Jackie was closer to his shoulders than normal. Even though he was down to ten-foot-seven he still dwarfed the buxom shower mate, and she quickly made him forget about any issues. Of course, she was thrilled. Never had her arms wrapped so naturally around his waist, and while kissing him was still impossible she could come very close to wrapping her arms around his shoulders. He lost another four inches as their shower ended.

Rowan suggested that they go to the arboretum, and Jackie was fine with that. Being one of their common destinations she had programmed the area into the program, with a careful amount of physical linkage to capture the scents and feeling in the air.

Walking hand-in-hand Rowan began to sense that something wasn’t quite right. Jackie’s busom seemed larger than normal, and, while this wasn’t something that he would complain about it was disquieting. He dismissed the feelings after a minute and placed his thick arm around his mate.

Jackie was loving this. She was still protected and small, but on a more reasonable scale. At just under twelve feet Ro was a mountain to her - at ten-three he was big. For now.

They had an enjoyable dinner and Jackie looked like a little girl in her chair at the table. Ro was smaller, but the furniture still fit him reasonably well.

That night concluded with some very hot sex, and Rowan was actually fatigued towards the end as he was pleasuring Jacqueline as he held her above his shoulders. The program sensed his pleasure, if not his actual ecstasy, which would come later, and again reduced him slightly. Jackie moaned deeply as he dropped below the ten foot mark. By the time she finished that night she was on top of him and only fifteen inches separated the two - Rowan still had no clue, but he was happy. By morning the difference was less than nine.

“Morning love,” she whispered into his ear. The fact that her feet were brushing against his calves for the first time ever had her in ecstasy. The emotion surprised her, but this was a real thrill. “Care to join me in the tub?”

The tub was normally her place of solitude, and a completely new experience for her as the bathing in water was no longer common practice. But, she enjoyed it, and the advantages of custom quarters made it available.


Jackie stood first, and slowly knelt down to get some clothes from the bottom drawer. Most of the drawers were high and she was happy to have the lower ones - the top most were out of reach for her, and now for Rowan as well.

Rowan stood and admired the view of his mate. Yes, they would marry, but that was a formality in both their minds. However, she looked more radiant this morning than most, and his mind was just starting to note his stature relative to the bed and nightstand when she slowly rose, gradually meeting his nose with the top of her head.

“What in the world?” Rowan exclaimed blinking his eyes.

“Oh, my,” Jackie feigned. She knew acting at this point was critical to maintain the illusion. “What happened to you?”

“To me?” Rowan took the words in. Surely he was the same, but, alas, no. One more look at the bed and he knew the truth. He was smaller.

“Well, at least there is one advantage to this,” Jackie offered as her arms wrapped around Ro’s neck and she kissed him as she rose to her tip-toes. She figured she might as well enjoy this phase now, as he wouldn’t be this tall for long.

To her surprise Rowan immediately got into the moment and became very passionate. Her realization that he was really turned on by this change was confirmed quickly as they continued to paw and kiss each other and each inch was removed by the computer. In one moment she looked and saw his forehead, and after a ten-second kiss her eyes opened to see him eye-to-eye.

“Wow!” she exclaimed.

Rowan opened his eyes to see his peer for the first time as a peer.

“We’re the same height,” Jackie announced. She briefly rose to her tip-toes and looked down at her man. “Shorty.”

The shrinking was fast enough for Rowan to sense it and for Jackie to know that he felt it. And, it was sufficient that she no longer needed to stretch. As she lowered back to her feet she was still superior in altitude by an inch or more. Rowan simply smiled and began to nibble her chin as his hands found newly enlarged breasts to challenge him.

“How are you feeling?” Jackie asked.

“Fine,” he replied. “Scared, but thrilled. How is this happening?”

“I don’t know, but we can see the doctor later.”

You are so beautiful.” A chill ran down Jackie’s spine. He really liked this. Amazing. She was now two inches taller than him, and while she was disappointed that the next two days would be without her protective teddy bear she knew that he was really getting off on this and the feelings of pleasure were intense for both.

It would be the following morning before he was truly challenged by an Amazon, when, as planned, he dropped to the height of those titanic breasts. He salivated like a baby and was on tip-toe himself before he realized that her breasts were now superior to him in stature. It was amazing to see his hands now struggle to cover a fraction of each orbs’ surface. Normally one of his hands would completely cover a breast - now both failed to do the job. He began to stretch his tongue upwards to reach the nipple of his goddess and she slowly stood as erect as possible to increase the challenge, which only taunted Ro more.

“Stay here baby,” she whispered. Going into the other room she put on her black heels - the ones that she normally wore to help off-set the height difference between them. Now their role was exactly the opposite. She debated about putting on the new teddy that she had replicated the week before - simply put it was criminal to take her already gravity defying bust and pump it up a little more. No, she would wait.

She carefully returned to the other room.

“See anything you like?” she asked as a sultry tongue slid against her upper lip. The sight of an almost nine-foot babe with an almost pornographic bust wearing nothing but six inch heels would have been enough to put almost any man over the top. To Ro, it was simply amazing and for the last six months the thought of any woman being taller than him was unfathomable. Now a woman whom he had dwarfed two days before stood before him and he knew that, regardless of the effort, he would be unable to match his lips to her full, firm breasts.

Jackie walked heel over toe across the room. Rowan could only gulp deeply as he looked up at the sexiest thing he’d ever seen, or thought of for that matter. Jackie positioned herself directly before him and struggled to look over her breasts at his face. Rowan’s hard on was raging and twitching.

“You didn’t answer my question,” she purred. A smile quickly flashed across her face as the program once again sensed the pleasure that Rowan was feeling. If his head would have brushed against her unsupported bosom before it certainly would not now. Another eight inches departed from his stature. For the first time Ro appeared as a normal crewmate, still with his charm and incredible body, but just as small to the now giant Jackie. She wanted her big man back, but that desire was easily tempered with the sight of her man and the knowledge that she could now control him at least in the simulation. The fact that he was so aroused by this was almost more than she could take and she knew that a simple touch or kiss would make her shudder.

Jackie bent over with deliberate care and a mischievous attitude. Her firm, round ass jutted outwards over her heels as her breasts hung down as her back arched parallel to the floor. She was eye-to-eye with Rowan, and he was once again able to kiss her chest. Of course, hugging her or kissing her lips was beyond his abilities, and Rowan shuddered in fear and desire.

As Rowan broke the six foot mark Jackie knew that there were only twenty-seven hours in the simulation. Clearly the growth portion would need to happen faster, as the process of shrinking still had a couple feet to go.

Rowan became concerned as his height dropped below five feet. He noted with a minor amount of concern that he was now smaller than Kimber, and he looked like a child in his quarters. Jackie looked short in this over-scaled room, but it certainly fit her better than it did him.

The two agreed in concern for Rowan’s health that they should see the doctor, even though Rowan’s illogical side simply wanted to enjoy the expanding goddess. As they walked down the corridor the reduction in size was much

Walking into sick bay was a new experience for Rowan. He had never been there, and it was the first time he didn’t have to duck to enter a normal room aboard ship. He did well until the gasp from Dr. Crusher. Kimber responded to the sound in the worst possible way - she turned to face Rowan, now a good five inches shorter than her.

Crusher regained her composure, or at least tried to. Her mind was racing. If a giant Rowan was sexy to her, a smaller one was simply orgasmic. However, even though this was true in the real-world and in the holodeck simulation, the program was designed to allow for a brief visit and then return the lovers to their quarters.

The simulated doctor performed various tests and Jackie stood nearby, mostly to watch her diminutive love interacting with these two shorter women. Given that Kimber was almost three feet below her, and Ro was now a foot below that - clearly he was enjoying the interaction as well, even though his concern level was raising - the view was spectacular.

One more tryst and Rowan was down to his final height of just over three feet. While this would have placed him around the waist of most women, to Jackie it put him closer to her knees. She had this part well rehearsed as well. She made sure that this last shrinking happened while they were apart, and she suspected that he would be one stimulated and excited little man when he walked into the room.

“See anything you want,” she whispered over her shoulder, her back to the door, as he walked into the room. It was bad enough that everything in the room was designed for someone four times bigger, but, wow, what an outfit. Jackie started with towering stiletto heels that augmented her height unnecessarily but with an incredible look. Above ridiculously long, thin legs were her curvy hips, waist and barely visible massive breasts, well framed in a sheer teddy that made her legs look longer and her breasts larger, were that possible.

Rowan could only gulp as he approached. He didn’t understand why, but he suddenly wanted Jackie more than ever before, yet he was frustrated that he was so small that there was no possible manner in which he could pleasure such a goddess. He gently started to kiss the back of Jacqueline’s knee and, with some effort, the lower part of her firm, exposed thigh.

Jackie for her part loved it, and loved the concept of what was coming next.

“Come with me,” she commanded.

After lifting Ro up on to the bed she began was could only be described as the biggest strip tease that anyone had ever seen. Ro loved every moment of it and had started growing again, albeit undetected by him given the distractions. Jackie pulled him to his feet on the bed and this brought his still diminutive form high enough to reach the biggest pair in Star Fleet.

Ro suddenly felt the mattress give way beneath his feet and Jackie lay down on the bed, suspending him in the air above her face, his face not quite reaching her busom.

“I think you’ll enjoy this,” she whispered, and with that her lips enveloped him and her arms pumped him up and down as her teeth and tongue drove him into frenzy. Each time his small hands got close to their target she would pull him slightly away, and she was quite skilled in teasing him as he came close to climax.

“Aarug...” he exclaimed after the third or fourth time she prevented him from exploding. “Please... Please!” She said nothing, but simply provided one extreme sucking motion before resting him down around her chest and breasts. He did not realize yet that he was passing the five foot mark on his return, and she would have been unable to lift him that way for too much longer.

“I think you should please me first,” she hinted, “little boy.” He immediately began to suckle her massive tit, unable to contain the fleshy, firm orb with both hands and his lips.

A couple minutes passed. “I thought you were going to pleasure me?” she hinted, a little more forcefully this time.

“Honey, I love you a lot and want nothing more to pleasure you, but don’t you think I’m too small?” His voice was more dejected rather than making of excuses.

“You’ll be fine, and I know that you’re going to grow on me.”

Rowan was confused by that statement, but really wanted to try and please his giantess - his mate - and possibly restore some of his confidence. He positioned himself between two firm, large thighs and leveraged his tongue and chin to provide the most stimulation that he could. His efforts were quickly rewarded as Jackie began to moan and buck in exhilaration. He was still clueless as to his expanding size, but it was seemingly easier to maintain contact with more and more of her. As she exploded he noticed that his feet extended off the foot of the bed, yet he was still in line with her.

He climbed up her body as she basked in afterglow, stopping to kiss her flat belly and ponderous breasts. By the time he reached her lips his feet were almost to he knees, and they both knew that he was taller than before. She smiled.

“So, my little boy isn’t quite so little anymore,” she stated with a sexy lilt. Suddenly Ro found himself underneath her as his back lay on the mattress, and she gently lowered her still moist sex onto his. Her breasts hung down in his face, and the six foot man was quickly in heaven.

By the time they went to shower they were almost the same height. Jackie noted to herself that next time this needed to be slower, but it was still interesting to see how the program played out. The growth process was slow enough to allow for some touching and lengthy gazes, but fast enough that Rowan went from looking up at Jackie’s chin to looking down at her in about twenty minutes. As he passed her lips she kissed him on the nose, and noted that it would be the last time she could do that for a while. He would return the gesture three minutes later.

As Rowan grew his confidence and strength grew with him. Jackie knew it was a simulation, a fantasy, but Rowan was still unaware. He was more passionate, if that were possible. By the time he finished being on top of her he was passing the eleven foot mark, and Jackie was quite spent by her multiple pleasures as he grew inside her.

The last few inches came with Rowan holding Jacqueline over his head as she came one final time - he bring her in the same way she had him two hours before. She was spent and satisfied, as was he, and she enjoyed snuggling against his body as they fell asleep, and then she was even happier when the slumbering pair was truly reunited as the transporter returned them to their quarters and the program ceased.

They woke two hours later, and the massive man was quite blissful. So was she.

“Did you enjoy your present?” she asked. She had debated if she would ever tell him about the method in which this fantasy occurred, but their relationship was too open and if he were angry she would rather deal with it now.

“Present?” he asked. “I don’t understand.”

“Remember how you said you wanted to see people your size, and me the way others do?”

A slow yes left Rowan’s lips - his mind trying to beat her explaination.

“I made it possible the last four days.”

“Thank you.”

Jackie was relieved. Very. She explained the technology and the realities, and reminded Rowan that the doctor and Kimber weren’t really there. He was a little disappointed that they weren’t really together when they were together, but that seemed to be a minor problem.

“So, can you make yourself bigger with this?” he questioned.

- Tumbo

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